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More Love, Not Less

Writer's picture: Courtney BossarteCourtney Bossarte

Allowing yourself to be nourished by what others gift you are like fully allowing Spirit to gift to you through the other person.

Receiving loving gifts is a wonderful way that we can experience another’s specific genius. And most of us also consciously desire that our personal creations are received, valued, cared about, and inspirations nourished by others.

Gifting our love creations can become an extension of what is already in our hearts, awaiting the taker to use them in a way that brings them closer to joy, to their supreme essence. In receiving loving gifts and seeing them as love, we become closer to the source: all love. As a sui generis grafting of unique love, we start to experience all the myriad of ways that love exists, unfolds, appears, inspires, enjoys the discovery, the journey in love, and integrates back into you as One Love. Your Love. My Love. The same love that has infinite faces of integration waiting to be discovered as yourself.

No love is ever the same. And as we integrate more ways of loving, we find love also changes us to become more loving expressions as One Love. Infinite possibilities, one love.

Getting to the core expression of the embodiment in love, we will start to “grok” that love will not let us down, but our limitations in loving, will. If ultra-independence cuts us off to fully embodying our yes, and deep pleasure of saying yes with a discerning trustful abandon, we miss out on “half” the polar energy, the ebb/flow, giving/receiving that life teaches us as beings of love.

We miss out on embodying the integrated truth that love loves us also through others’ body, mind and spirit and by not allowing it, we may have the experience of not feeling fully alive.

It then becomes important to start to bring loving awareness to those places we are keeping love out. We recognize that the feeling of death, numbness, unrequited self-love, hurts way more than opening ourselves to the possibility of living in our own lives, showing up to keep our hearts open so that we continue expanding our hearts to include ourselves and everyone around us, to feel safe in our bodies and in the world we inhabit together, to commune with the earth in ways that only love would speak to us and experience the daily growth of what we personally observe as a better version of ourselves.

Through healthy interdependence, we start to understand that we need each other on some level, that neediness isn’t a handicap but an opportunity to reach towards a love to be filled, and that we each are whole, holy, and present in and as love.

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