I experience different degrees of communication about what one knows as an insecurity and what is hidden from the same person within themselves that will not be expressed until the frequency is related with and rises to the surface for integration.
And if both can understand this as a natural process to be with these impurities, purifying so that more love can express itself, then we are just deepening self awareness and the relationship becomes a loving vehicle in which to do so.
Often though, our own conditioning and patterning get in the way...guilt for having "it" and the stories it uses to hide from that, then shame and the ways one behaves to continue denying its presence.
Relationship and intimacy with ourselves is of primary importance. When our love is anchored there, all else can arise and fall away and we remain in love, deepening in that.
All relationships become an expression of that from one to the other, regardless of how purified the other is to see that as love or not.
Many will be challenged by the love that want to purify their closets, projecting and transferring so they don't have to look, own and care take/love themselves.
And watch what happens to the selection pool when you hold yourself accountable to grow and choose partners who embody their word.
Love includes other but starts with ourselves.