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Love: the impersonally personal

Love is fully personal and equally impersonal.

It by itself has no bias when in wholeness.

The quality and experience of love feels different to the person as a friend, as a spouse or a child. Yet love is still love as the whole spectrum known and unknown to the person.

To know love, one must also include and embody the impersonal love as well. The quality of this love is often experienced as “colder” as it doesn’t have the “warmer” tones of the person.

Yet it is just as loving.

When we prefer the personal love, we might notice how we gravitate to people or idols who symbolize that love in or through a form.

Through form identity we are shown and experience love through another as ourselves. We often need the idea embodied in a relatable form that we can project our love upon and it can reflect our love back to us. The more we love “it”, the more we feel the reflection back to us often as experiences of warmth and expansion. We often relate to this as heart based.

Love though is what it is.

And love is what it is beyond form too; beyond what we can know or have known.

It can be known through observation such as the nature of the universe, universal law, and principles.

When we gravitate towards the universal and impersonal love, we might notice that we love and thus have affinities towards law, structure, virtue, and what may seem to demonstrate mentality.

The qualities of the impersonal bring about a kind of embodied sensation of coolness and detachment as it is often more focused on the transcended part of the form, almost like the operating system of and "behind" the form itself.

The personal and impersonal/ known and unknown comprise of the whole of love; the form and that which creates and operates the form as formless.

Getting or groking the heart of another, we are simultaneously open and available to that which would be in service to the other.

Being open to the other in that way, requires that humility of “not knowing” what is for the other’s highest divine good, what would truly be in service yet love that is beyond known as the impersonal, does.

When we see the dance of love as impersonal and personal simultaneously, we are more easily able to see, experience and know love everywhere.

As love is not only a feeling, a sensation, a thought, an emotion, it is also a law, a principle, nature and more.

When we understand that we do not know love, yet love knows us, the way we previously expected love to show up in ways we have known before, starts to diminish.

When we start to see our own ignorance of understanding love as the limitation of our experiences or beliefs, we can drop them.

When we get that love is what it is, and that dance between personal and impersonal is what is polishing our own heart and mind in unison with the whole, we can trust that love is leading us back to itself more wholly than before.

Love is Love. What is that? This is the journey. What it is and what we don’t know it is yet.

When we are able to stop putting limitations as expectations on what love can be and what it can not be, we also grow in freedom and understanding of love and the way of love.

Universal love can feel very personal to the friend in need receiving it, yet very impersonal to the one giving it.

The nature of love is observable, knowable, and tangible. All forms of love are important for existence; balance and harmony.

And what a gift to be a friend to the world.

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